Fang Lizhi
中文: 方励之
I'll now quote (written last Thursday) the fb page where I heard of his passing "Free Liu-Xiaobo" :
«Okay sorry this is in chinese, I did not have time to translateALL but you all know who Fan lizhi is by now (RIP), if not GOOGLE! CHINA wants you to FORGET who he was, so don't, please spread this and tell all the people you know on this planet!!! ♥ This is one of his funeral service in Vancouver. Please let others know if they want to pay their respect! 14th April, 11am, 3380 GRanville St, Vancouver ( I know where that is!) telephone Henry Chau for directions if you don't! Henry Chau 604-202-2324
中國民運先鋒、被迫流亡美國二十多年的方勵之先生,不幸於2012年4月6日客死異鄉,溫哥華支援民主運動聯合會(溫支聯)痛失良師益友。為了緬懷方勵之 先生為中國民主運動作出的卓越貢獻,為了重申溫支聯二十多年來堅持「平反六四」的宗旨,為了在「六四事件」後流亡海外的民運人士有尊嚴地回國,溫支聯定於 4月14日(星期六)上午11時,在中國駐溫哥華總領事館前,舉辦方勵之先生追思會。歡迎各界人士參加。
時間:4月14日 星期六 上午11時
地點:中國駐溫哥華總事館門前 (3380 Granville Street, Vancouver)
查詢電話: Henry Chau 604-202-2324 »
« during the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989. The next day after the government began its repression of the protests, on June 5, 1989, Fang and his wife, Li Shuxian, entered the U.S. embassy in Beijing, and were granted asylum. During his time there, Fang wrote an essay titled The Chinese Amnesia,[5] criticizing the Chinese Communist Party's repression of human rights and the outside world's turning a blind eye to it.[6] Fang's continued presence in the US Embassy following the protests became, according to Ambassador James Lilly, "a living symbol of our [US] conflict with China over human rights." ... Fang was an instrumental player in the Tiananmen demonstrations, won the JFK Human Rights Award, and would have been executed by the CCP had he not escaped to the U.S. He laid the groundwork for the work of many current dissidents, including Liu Xiaobo. »
from last Friday

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