Resta-me desejar-vos um bom dia.
Today I'm placeing here in my blog two pictures that I believe speak for themselves and that have caught my eye in the recent past... wishing all a good week. Take care

(retirado duma página numa rede social - the image and adjoining words come from a well known social network. For a better look I suggest you click on the photograph so as to zoom in)
I quote what comes with the picture:
" Strange how I was blocked from 'sharing' this... "
Catherine Savage
(the next image is regarding the current "attack" on The Portuguese Public Health Care System - I admit it embarrasses me to make visible to non-Portugues that are possibly unaware just how far European nations such as Portugal truly are down the path of losing their most basic of human rights, and the lack of dignity that is now given to human life. Olaf Palm's world is continually ruined and under constant "assassination". What has become of HUmanity and compassion?
Why such rampant inhumanity? If anyone is interested in what is quoted below in Portuguese I'll be happy to translate, embarrassed but glad to comply)

Cristina Paixão:
"Hoje uma amiga, doente oncológica, disse-me: faltei aos últimos exames e à última consulta porque não tinha dinheiro para pagar as taxas que agora nos exigem, mais as despesas de deslocação necessárias.
Que merda de país estão vocês dispostos a consentir?
A culpa será sempre e só dos que que em silêncio tudo consentem.
Estamos a tentar lutar. Vocês, meus amigos, naturalmente saudáveis, por enquanto, ou nos ajudam, ou serão cúmplices das actuais medidas criminosas. Ou nos ajudam ou estarão sozinhos quando precisarem. É tão simples quanto isso."
.................................. uma boa semana a todos desejo.
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