In Truth this is a two part Post:
one regarding a highly significant International issue, the other a national (Portuguese) issue.
It is for the most part in both languages (Thank you for reading)
At the bottom of the post I address the impending (incomprehensible) closing of an important
centre for "High Culture" - The Clube Literário do Porto - and has an Online petition that someone has been gracious enough to have made and that I thank (I include the original & translation of said
petition for anyone whom should care to help us save the institution)
I shall now address a matter that has been on my mind since January, it is of the utmost urgency that the message on the first Video be disseminated and time is indeed of the essence
I don't usually copy posts from other Blogs, but I'm going to open an exception for a worthy cause.
one regarding a highly significant International issue, the other a national (Portuguese) issue.
It is for the most part in both languages (Thank you for reading)
Este artigo é na verdade "dois".. Primeiramente, e já de seguida, é sobre assuntos internacionais. É uma mensagem urgentíssima, e que surge agora. Está colocada aqui neste Blogue para dentro do que me é possível ajudar para que seja difundida o mais rápido e eficientemente possível.
O segundo assunto é sobre uma questão nacional - o empobrecimento e/ou o acabar de instituições públicas relevantes no panorama cultural no nosso país. Neste caso refiro-me ao Clube Literário do Porto.
Incluo uma petição "online" que alguém teve o cuidado em fazer e que agradeço. Na esperança que a leiam e assinem, agradeço, já agora, também e antecipadamente.
At the bottom of the post I address the impending (incomprehensible) closing of an important
centre for "High Culture" - The Clube Literário do Porto - and has an Online petition that someone has been gracious enough to have made and that I thank (I include the original & translation of said
petition for anyone whom should care to help us save the institution)
I shall now address a matter that has been on my mind since January, it is of the utmost urgency that the message on the first Video be disseminated and time is indeed of the essence
* Iran - Isreal / Isreal - Iran *
(as said in the video
- "a message from the People to the People")
(as said in the video
- "a message from the People to the People")
I don't usually copy posts from other Blogs, but I'm going to open an exception for a worthy cause.
The original post is here
(From the "Site / Blog" - Guida Almeida)
Humanity, Profit.., and an urgent message. (English & Portuguese)
This is a message for Humanity (♥) and a very important one:It seems,
They are repeating,
We should adhere,
I believe,
and You might say.
(Desejo-vos a todos um excelente dia)
I leave you a video-clip just under 2 minutes long a quote some of that which is said:
« (…) this is a message by “the People” to “the People” (…) »
Deixo-vos com uma mensagem, um video que dura pouco menos de 2 minutos.
Deixo-vos com uma mensagem, um video que dura pouco menos de 2 minutos.
I also include the following LINK- to a song that at the time was performed to one whom dignifies Mankind.
- E deixo uma música. (aqui acima) Na altura foi tocada para homenagear um “G”rande ser, um ser com “S” bem grande..
- E deixo uma música. (aqui acima) Na altura foi tocada para homenagear um “G”rande ser, um ser com “S” bem grande..
O “Lucro” é algo que se define consoante os padrões (ética, estética, moralidade e/ou ausência da mesma.. )
de quem o o deseja.
de quem o o deseja.
Há lucros que pouco ou “nada” são.
Outros que são faces fragmentais da destruição e/ou do empobrecimento do Ser que os cobiça.
Há lucro que é e/ou conduz às coisas da Morte
(“Morte” no seu sentido mais lato e múltiplo)
- e há o outro tipo de lucro.Outros que são faces fragmentais da destruição e/ou do empobrecimento do Ser que os cobiça.
Há lucro que é e/ou conduz às coisas da Morte
(“Morte” no seu sentido mais lato e múltiplo)
Aquele lucro que se tem ao ver nascer o dia seguinte, ou, aquele que se recebe ao ir ao encontro do Outro.
Pelo menos para alguns, a vida é uma dádiva, por isso mesmo “lucro”.
Há milhares de tipos de lucro conforme o acto e a vontade por de trás do mesmo.
Agora se é para o “Bem” ou para o “Mal”.. isso já é outra história (parece-me)
where there is a WILL there is a WAY..
(* if you wish you may "click" on either image for a proper description
of the painting..)
of the painting..)
Yes a handful of us in any given place can be rotten to the core.. will profit from the death of babies and laugh as one’s own mother’s back’s is broken.. but most are not so.
It takes a coward to succumb to Averice, Greed and Fear
(all foods of Hatred and Destruction, that awful couple that fathers “Doom”)
(all foods of Hatred and Destruction, that awful couple that fathers “Doom”)
- but the noble heart shall shine through the darkness of those who would do him/her ill or attempt to cheat.
The cheating of the Other into becoming as they, a small worthless empty shell from whence no sound escapes nor light for they are “Naught”, where all is but deception -
- is as vile an act as the destruction a few desire to perpetrate for the lucre of “false” gold;
for a “profit” they hysterically believe they can take with them.. to that small black hole they’ll inevitably end up in…
Long life to those whom are free of such flaws that would imprison their Humanity, who are invigorated through the beauty of coming to the rescue of the Other- is as vile an act as the destruction a few desire to perpetrate for the lucre of “false” gold;
for a “profit” they hysterically believe they can take with them.. to that small black hole they’ll inevitably end up in…
(and themselves),
- through LOVE.
May they prosper and multiply.
- to all i wish a nice day
Now regarding another subject
- Clube Literário do Porto
Now regarding another subject
- Clube Literário do Porto
I will now also place here a matter that concerns me. Please me keep this centre for the Arts in Oporto from being closed down. It would sadden me deeply to see it go.. (and I thank you beforehand for your support and indulgence)
Hoping to put a stop to its end I leave you with the
ONLINE PETITION - original text.
The link to sign it is Please SIGN the PETITION HERE (or use the link below within the respective translated text)
Since it is written in Portuguese, for those who wish to help I'll translate the Petition's text page
(page 1 below)
and explain/translate its "signing" page
(page 2).
I hereby swear that it is a correct and true translation of said Petition and leave you my name so as to be accountable - I am the petition's 1288th signature and am signed under my full name
- Maria Margarida Freire de Almeida Costa
(page 1)
I have read the Petition "No - to shutting down the Oporto Literature Club - CLP" and shall now sign it.
Full name (necessary) __________________________________
Email (necessary) _____________________________________
Zip code / Postal Code (optional) _________________________
National Identification Number (optional) ___________________
Year of Birth (optional) ________________________________
Post a comment (optional) ______________________________
Email privacy -
(from the Portuguese)
The centre is located next the Douro River in the charming, older, downtown area.
Open from Monday through Sunday - 2:30 pm untill 1:00 am, it's a lovely venue and truly a fine asset for "High Culture" and the supporting of the Arts in Oporto.
When in town you can take a visit at the following address:
Rua Nova da Alfandega Nº. 22
( telephone - 222 089 228 if calling from overseas you must at least add the country code - 351
before the number)
Rua Nova da Alfândega, 22
4050-430 PORTO
Telefone 222 089 228
Hoping to put a stop to its end I leave you with the
ONLINE PETITION - original text.
The link to sign it is Please SIGN the PETITION HERE (or use the link below within the respective translated text)
Since it is written in Portuguese, for those who wish to help I'll translate the Petition's text page
(page 1 below)
and explain/translate its "signing" page
(page 2).
I hereby swear that it is a correct and true translation of said Petition and leave you my name so as to be accountable - I am the petition's 1288th signature and am signed under my full name
- Maria Margarida Freire de Almeida Costa
Como acabo de referir acima em Inglês, deixo aqui uma petição na esperança que não se acabe com o Clube Literário do Porto. Parece inconcebível mas é verdade. Já foi anunciado tal intenção.
Para além de ter traduzido os conteúdos da dita petição, na esperança de que o maior número de pessoas a possam assinar, deixo tudo com as respectivas 'ligações' para que possam de facto assinar. Agradeço desde já a vossa atenção e cuidado.
(Para quem quiser saber eu sou a assinatura nº 1288)
(page 1)
To: Oporto City Hall (Câmara Municipal do Porto)
It has come to our knowledge that there is an intent to close down the Oporto Literature Club (Clube Literário do Porto) and wish to convey our disapproval. As it is a vital, strategic centre for 'High Culture' and the arts in the city, we the undersigned demand that it not be shut down, that it receive stricter guidance and that it be taken under a management that is more demanding.
The undersigned
(from the Portuguese)
Para:Câmara Municipal do Porto
Demonstramos a nossa insatisfação acerca do anúncio do encerramento do "Clube Literário do Porto" e exigimos a continuação da sua existência, com uma gestão mais exigente, como um polo vital da cultura portuense.
Os signatários
(page 2)
I have read the Petition "No - to shutting down the Oporto Literature Club - CLP" and shall now sign it.
(NÃO ao encerramento do CLP)
Full name (necessary) __________________________________Email (necessary) _____________________________________
Zip code / Postal Code (optional) _________________________
National Identification Number (optional) ___________________
Year of Birth (optional) ________________________________
Post a comment (optional) ______________________________
Email privacy -
Private | Only visible to the Petion's author | Public |
(from the Portuguese)
_______________________________________________________Eu já li a Petição NÃO ao encerramento do CLP para Câmara Municipal do Porto, e pretendo assinar esta petição.
Nome Completo (obrigatório) Email (obrigatório) Código Postal (facultativo) Número de Identificação (BI, NIF, C.Cidadão) (facultativo) Ano de Nascimento (facultativo) Comentários (facultativo) Privacidade do endereço de Email:
The centre is located next the Douro River in the charming, older, downtown area.
Open from Monday through Sunday - 2:30 pm untill 1:00 am, it's a lovely venue and truly a fine asset for "High Culture" and the supporting of the Arts in Oporto.
When in town you can take a visit at the following address:
Rua Nova da Alfandega Nº. 22
( telephone - 222 089 228 if calling from overseas you must at least add the country code - 351
before the number)
Clube Literário do Porto
aberto de segunda a domingo, das 14h30 à 1hRua Nova da Alfândega, 22
4050-430 PORTO
Telefone 222 089 228
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