Sim, já vi (ia dizer com horror, mas não, ultrapassa isso, tristeza profunda, um litoral de mar, ou de lago gigante que o valha, o efeito de um derrame que seja..
Mesmo que se limpe, há coisas que não voltam, e coisas que mesmo que aparente estar limpo, noutro nível menos visível - devido do ocorrido, e mais a fundo - para mais com conexão a outros corpos de água, envenenando de forma lenta e dolorosa.....) - ► dizia
já vi, o efeito destas brincadeiras, mesmo apenas se ocorrer um derramezinho que seja..
Como sei que quem me ler dispensa a informação que dou mais abaixo em inglês, pois sobre o nosso país e sobre natureza da nossa costa, sabemos.
Não será portanto, o que segue, uma tradução do que aqui em português digo, apenas coloco a ligação à petição, nela também estão os dois locais e respectivos horários, em Lisboa, onde ocorrerá a manifestação que está marcada para amanhã - dia 22. (frente à Assembleia da Republica / e à DGRM)
Infelizmente só tomei conhecimento agora da petição agora, há algumas horas, e por isso peço desculpa por só estar a dar este alerta neste momento, e é o último dia em que se pode assinar.
Apenas é preciso depois confirmar a assinatura através do email (que é enviado após assinar, contendo uma ligação para tal).
LIGAÇÂO (com petição, e informações úteis)
Agradeço quem aqui veio ler,
e aproveito o monento para vos desejarum bom verão, com saúde e boa companhia.
Bem hajam.
![]() |
image from here: LINK |
(há um video desconcertante, para não dizer outra coisa, no fim deste artigo. Aliás, deixo dois. O segundo é referente a outro local, mas pertinent ao assunto. Ter em mente que na altura desse 2º video o governo, quer o federal, quer o ''provicial'' - por sufragio, mudou. Não sei como estarão os actuais a agir.)
This is a dangerous folly,
(please read the linked page)
We all unfortunately know all too well, the horrors that follow what is considered even a small oil spill, a tide of death.
And this particular type of oil prospecting is so foul a thing that it baffles the mind not only to be attempted, but the fact that anyone would insist on what has already (and unbelievably) been done, and at such a horrendous cost in more recent times in certain parts of the world, is truly flabbergasting.
Our coast has always been a haven for dolphins, among other animals (obviously ourselves included), and they've even returned to historic homes such as rivers such like the well known Tagus, after a brief period when their absence was felt with sorrow.
They've fortunately never been absent (to my knowledge) from the Sado, for example.
People enjoy our beaches knowing full well that both sharks and they are safe from encountering each other for that very reason, dolphin dolphin population.
They, among other obvious fauna and sea life, are not to blame for the folly of a few, nor are the majority of us.
I know full well that whosoever reads this needs no explanation nor convincing of the need to put a stop to this.
No one needs a lecture on the environment and our planet, for the topic and the sad results therefrom are unfortunately too well known.
Please help us say no.
(and time is of the essence, unfortunately)
The petition in the above LINK closes today, June 21st
A protest will be held tomorrow, June 22nd, in Lisbon.
The following are the exact locations and timetable:
- from 12pm untill 2 pm - Parliament Building (São Bento)
- from 2pm untill 4:30pm - the DGRM (executive building for - the Bureau For National Resources and Maritime Service & Saftey)
We need you.
Thank you for reading,
and/or coming to Lisbon to protest this.
For those who can sign the petition - and do, bless you.
For those who can't, but wish they could - bless you too)
Wishing all a happy, safe, and as best a summer possible
Still on the subject of ''fracking'', though in another land, the following is very pertinent to the matter at hand.
The government of the country spoken of in this following video-clip, and LINK bellow, has changed however (both Provicial and Federal), and I do not know not how the current rulers stand on the issue.
It is a land that I love, and I was so very sad (indeed in shock) to see this happen - there.
LINK - 2012 article from this blog, where the symptoms of the deed were already present... and almost simultaneously with a mass change in legislation that occurred as never seen before, causing shock and surprise.
When things happen, they can happen at unbelievable speed.
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