Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Eleições?? .. ora bem... (um boletim que um amigo encontrou, carinhosamente feito por outro)

imagem de Gabriel Baptista Fernandes
e "focado" por
Miguel Valle de Figueiredo

(decisions, decisions, decisions... hmmmmmmm.. which one.. hmm)

- and now "for something completely different"

Ângelo de Souza - An outstanding artist who has left us.. (his work remains)

It is with sadness that we bring the following news:

Ângelo de Sousa

Having lived most of his life in the city of Oporto (Portugal), 
born in Maputo (a city at the time called Lourenço Marques in the country Mocambique) on February 2 - 1938, victim to cancer, he left us yesterday evening at aproximately 10 pm.

(brief bio. - in Portuguese )

An outstanding artist (designer, teacher, sculpter...), he was known for his constant search.. serching to  braking new frontiers, dabbling in various artistic styles. Notable within these was his 

Ex. of his India Ink drawings

this image and of other four other drawings can be found in
 Carderno Sem Capa (Blog)

his drawings 

This and others at -  tribunaliraque




Highly praised and prized, he served as a pilar in contemporary art having been awarded
(one of among many awards)
the prestidious

São Paulo Art Biennial Prize in its 13th edition - in 1975.


This biennal was " founded in 1951 and has been held every two years since. It is the second oldest art biennial in the world after the Venice Biennial (in existence since 1895), which serves as its role model." 



 Also among  said awards was the Amadeo Souza-Cardoso Prize in 2007.

Regarding the patron of said award

- Amadeo Souza-Cardozo (Portuguese) 

    - Amadeo Souza-Cardoso (English)

For more regarding this remarkabe artist - Ângelo de Sousa (in English)


Monday, 28 March 2011

Souto Moura - Pritzker Architecture Prize 2011

Regarded as the "Nobel" for Architecture - Eduardo Souto Moura, from Oporto (Portugal) is the winner of the prestigious Pritzker award for 2011. The official announcement of the prize is expected on April 11.

Thursday, 24 March 2011

ok - some ABCs about the IMF // FMI em miúdos, para quem por razões que só deus sabe, dúvidas ainda tenha..

Bull S*** is usually a term that comes to mind..
 this image comes from here

PT - Portuguese text at top

& EN English text-  below

FMI não é como alguns (inacreditávelmente) pensam uma organização do tipo ONU ou a Santa Casa.. Não é um grupo sem "fins lucrativos"... É o contrário, a existência de tal entidade é precisamente para ver o que tem "Lucro" e mais nada querem (nem se deve esperar outra coisa).. o FUNDO  MONETÁRIO  INTERNAÇIONAL são empresas e acionistas.. O interesse logicamente não é se não a do LUCRO.
(é a China - explorada por empresas que apostaram em lucro através de mão de obra menos dispendiosa que poderão nem ser do país - mas adiante, os MacDonalds, GALP, Halliburton, Berlusconi, e a BP... tudo boa gente)

.. e até defino sem fazer juízos o FMI, sem zangas, eles são o que são..
Não se pode esperar mais deles que isto.

Não são uma organização humanitária.. nem tão pouco se preocupam com seja o que for que não seja LUCRO, ou VIÁVEL..

De um lado há: Os "humanistas" com causas humanitárias (justiça e direitos humanos, saúde, educação... ); e do outro os "monetaristas", com o "financeiramente viável", o ver se "dá ou não dá lucro"..

- ou seja, são antagónicos.. e não confundíveis.

Eu até posso achar que algumas empresas tenham gente com pensamento 'humano' (embora duvide que seja comum na "Alta Finança") mas não é este a finalidade deste Grupo, é a do LUCRO, apenas isso e mais nada.

São Seguradoras várias, Correctores, Bancos, Companhias petrolíferas gigantes, Centrais Nucleares, etc. e accionistas de peso - vários. 

- sabem como trabalham, e os "direitos" que têm, os chinêses por exemplo??? Ah.. não??

E esperam que sejam esses que se vão preocupar com termos nós - hospitais, ou ensino, ou seja o que fôr?? Nem para os deles o fazem..

Alguém espera que estes senhores vão achar merecermos coisas que nem para os deles vêm com bons olhos.. ? Vá lá.. pensem um bocadinho, um bocadinho que seja antes de falarem/fazerem disparates..
Destruir direitos BÁSICOS acontece no mundo, e é fácil destruir.

E quem não queira (ou ache) que devamos ser nós a construir o que nos é importante, a nossa casa,
não espere que venham outros fazê-lo naturalmente sem ser com os interesses que lhes interessem de facto.  É natural isto não??

São interesses OUTROS, os desses outros.

Nunca entendi como alguém possa confundir chocolate com sardinhas.. nem se misturam
(pelo menos na minha cabeça, não)
Se digo "eles", é porque não faço parte da "alta finança" mundial.  E poucos por aqui o são.

Quando o são, habitualmente são os mesmos que para além de jogarem na bolsa (accionistas) e nada produzirem, são os mesmos que, ao contrário da malta que refila contra estes ou aqueles que nos regem, vêm as suas mais valias perdoadas às Finanças... (aquilo que nos acusam não é falta de crescimento??) pois.

FMI são entidades que também nos vendem submarinos, e vendem armas à Líbia e ao Irão e a países da Nato e outros fora da NATO como a Líbia e o Irão, e se puderem a Vénus ou aos aneis de Saturno, ou seja a tudo e todos..

... e que se esclareça isto de uma vez por todas!

E já agora, bem a propósito, uma obra com mais de 30 anos e que no entanto é de uma actualidade impressionante.
(de 1979)

Provindo do Ideias Soltas
Neste leitor, que vem do 
pode-se ouvir a obra inteira e de forma ininterrupta

- Duração total: 19 minutos / FMI - de José Mário Branco 

Here, if anyone has doubts regarding some of what the IMF feels perfectly comfortable with ..

(in today's world some of the key IMF players include, giant petrol companies, bankers, mega insurance companies, institutions that brought about 2008's market collapse, stock brokers.. even some countries such as China - though in fainess - I know not if in in such a case it has to do with the country or if  it isn't  the same entities already mentioned that exploit China )

Do you really think that people who treat any or all workers as if their life was worth absolutely nothing, care???

Do you really believe that large "health insurance" companies and financial institutions....
 Do you think they find public health of others, relevant???

Do you think they care if you go to school??
Do you think they care for whom you vote???

People who sell guns, and if need be some of whom even promote wars, do you really think they worry about your pensions??

Do you really think they care about "democracy" or any other form of organizing your country's political regime???

Don't you see that they don't give a rat's a** ??!

by Maria MFA Costa



An Involuntary Redemption


"Kafka - © Guida Almeida "

An Involuntary Redemption

Hope,that solitary mistress...
somehow abandons me, yet the sun doth shine somewhere
even though babies cry under bullets perhaps sold by my treasonous hand.

The air on the other side seems stale.
I dare not open the door for I fear the rumble of rats..
Persistently stalking, spreading disease and invading my lost innocence,
they are are no friends of mine.
If they screech out my name I know them not.

Given no heed, at times the battle seems lost forever
by acts treacherous as they are involuntary.
Eyes not withstanding, a heart incapable of grasping a vision's full compass,
The Lord thus eases my pain through an apparent blindness.
Still, in a myriad of fragmental imagery I am brought to my knees torn by tearful doubt.
Redemption of what I know not brings no solace.

and (to the East) I sigh
as I search.. and find but dark thought.

I thus come to you with my candle,
in an involuntary redemption

(To Libya,
to the human desert,
to gun running warlords as they greedily
murder me...
an utter rage of silence
and opposition)

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Katharina, Maggie, Martha... ELIZABETH

(The Taming of The Shrew)


Saturday, 19 March 2011

Full Moon (Crust Moon or Worm Moon) March 19 2011 | I leave you here with the wolfman

Photograph by Guida Almeida - Crust Moon (or Worm Moon)

This is the closest moon the moon will get this year, and the closest it has been since 2008. For further reading on the matter visit EARTH SKY

Acording to Nasa it is the BIGGEST IN 20 YEARS 

Here is another look close up

Personally, all I feel like doing is scratching my ear and taking a run through the woods,
found @ Valentino's Wallpapers

Round Robin - I'm the wolfman

"Amen para uma Ausência" by the author who's birth was on the 16th, 3 days ago - Constança Capdeville

"Red Square" - 2007 © Guida Almeida
Today being Father's day in Portugal, I leave you with a piece entitled what in would literarilly in English read "Amen for an absence". This is an incredibly delicate work written by the Portuguese composer, who would have turned 74 three days ago. I dedicate it to all fathers: "absent" though they be ever present, as well as all those who are fathers everyday and still grace this earth, breathing "substance" and joy into the tender souls of their babes.

About the composer
Constança Capdeville having been born in Barcelona, through her parents, as a child met artists on the frontlines of that which was Avant-garde in the worlds of ART, people such as Salvador Dali among others. This interaction at such an early stage in life is likely to be one of the major reasons for the development of a highly intelligent, emotionally charged and artistically endowed mind. As a teacher; her uncanny, sharp, musical senses would imediately keen in on a person's capabilities. A talented sensitive composer in her own right, she has written countless pieces that have been interpreted by world-class performers. With inexplicable (sensory & extra-sensory) perception,
unstoppable ability to unlock, de-block, and unravel the art in others; she profoundly moved those about her. It was her nature to be thus.
A powerful creative and artistic force, her life affected countless colleagues and students. Among others, she was a close friend and coleague of Jorge Peixinho - also an extraordinary human being (composer.. teacher) who had played a pivotal role in Portuguese culture during his lifetime, and an influencing international, creative force to those contemporary to him across the globe. MAJOR musical authors of their time, these two beyond changing others around them, have changed history within their country and abroad. Lack of information regarding their lives or work is not only due to their physical disappearance, which still causes consternation among many a peer and loved one (those near them); but also on account of language and other reasons I wish not to mention at the present moment.

Please!! Enjoy the day! 

"Amen para uma Ausência" - by Constança Capdeville

Friday, 4 March 2011

Alice Valente Alves : Encontro amanhã, dia 5 de Março, no Clube Literário do Porto

- sobre o projecto "CORPOtraçoCorpo"
Quem queira saber um pouco mais acerca da artista em questão, ou este seu projecto que começou em 2003, não perca esta oportunidade.

O encontro será às 17h ( aqui ) e contará com a presença de Bernardino Guimarães  
, Jornalista e Activista Ambiental (o seu Blogue )

Alice Valente

Para quem queira ler sobre a exposição da última e 8ª cor, de entre 9 que completarão este projecto
ver aqui * traço:verde


Today I've been seeing (hearing) visions of Thoreau.. and such.

upon the shores..


photograph taken  by Alice Valente Alves

« Charles Ives: Sonata No. 2 "Concord" - Thoreau »

In times of civil unrest, and liberation in the middle east ...

"... and I realized how you can have different definitions of words.."


painting by Tom Thomson  ("The Pool" - 1915 / 1916)

Marin Luther King:
« "I know you are asking today, "How long will it take?" Somebody's asking, "How long will prejudice blind the visions of men, darken their understanding, and drive bright-eyed wisdom from her sacred throne?" Somebody's asking, "When will wounded justice, lying prostrate on the streets ... and communities all over ..., be lifted from this dust of shame to reign supreme among the children of men?" Somebody's asking, "When will the radiant star of hope be plunged against the nocturnal bosom of this lonely night, plucked from weary souls with chains of fear and the manacles of death? How long will justice be crucified, and truth bear it?" I come to say to you this afternoon, however difficult the moment, however frustrating the hour, it will not be long, because "truth crushed to earth will rise again." How long? Not long, because "no lie can live forever." How long? Not long, because "you shall reap what you sow."

"How long? Not long, because the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice."»

«The recent statements of your executive committee are the sentiments of my own heart, and I found myself in full accord when I read its opening lines: "A time comes when silence is betrayal." And that time has come for us in relation to Vietnam.

The truth of these words is beyond doubt, but the mission to which they call us is a most difficult one. Even when pressed by the demands of inner truth, men do not easily assume the task of opposing their government's policy, especially in time of war. Nor does the human spirit move without great difficulty against all the apathy of conformist thought within one's own bosom and in the surrounding world. Moreover, when the issues at hand seem as perplexing as they often do in the case of this dreadful conflict, we are always on the verge of being mesmerized by uncertainty; but we must move on.

And some of us who have already begun to break the silence of the night have found that the calling to speak is often a vocation of agony, but we must speak. We must speak with all the humility that is appropriate to our limited vision, but we must speak. And we must rejoice as well, for surely this is the first time in our nation's history that a significant number of its religious leaders have chosen to move beyond the prophesying of smooth patriotism to the high grounds of a firm dissent based upon the mandates of conscience and the reading of history. Perhaps a new spirit is rising among us. If it is, let us trace its movements and pray that our own inner being may be sensitive to its guidance, for we are deeply in need of a new way beyond the darkness that seems so close around us...»

MARTIN LUTHER KING One of Mankind's treasures regarding another..

Resonance - Liberation

I have walked the walk of millions,
of those who had fallen, of others who had not. 
I've walked the ages, 
counted each imprisoned breath born from ordinal numbers 
and wept at your feet.

These wings on my back, tattered, worn,
they hang with the dust of time,
hugging my body,
barely visible.  

 Looking back,  
Conquered, yet "Un-Conquested", 
bedded upon endless gardens, 
mysteries nearly plundered 
and unveiled... 

I weep at your feet.

Legion surrounding the lake 
as Aegle slumbering in grief, but in numbers, 
a multitude of wooded beings,
I dreamt of you.

Rivers of time try to erase,
start anew
yet within the steadfast darkness 
of my silence
I have heard your words in Morphic Resonance 

- Come hither.. the world changes. Quick, hurry.. - 
From the shores I return,
in turn

arriving at each new angle 
360 degrees
... and back
and again
and back again.

poem written by Margarida Costa 
(aka: Guida Almeida, Guida Costa, Maria MFA Costa)