Friday, 29 January 2016

Dina Resende / Rosgard Lingardsson - piano recital - Sunday (Domingo). January 31 (31 de Janeiro) - 16.30h (4:30pm)

(post : EN & PT)

If you are in Portugal, near or in Oporto (Portugal), don't miss the opportunity of catching this concert, where the performers will certainly dazzle, and the instrument itself is a "handful".
I would call this a duo performance but in fact it is a trio, whereupon the instrument itself is an entity and seems to have a soul of its own, capable of shining trough due to the talent and masterful artistry of the four hands that shall play it's heart out. 

Although they should not need an "introduction" per se, I shall leave biographical notes regarding each, for those whom are unfamiliar with said performing artists.

I shall quote the source (- LINK) where I first saw the news of this concert, in the original language (Portuguese), and beneath leave some of it translated into English (in blue lettering).

Dina Resende e Rosgard Lingardsson apresentam-se em Recital de Piano a 4 mãos no Auditório do Centro Paroquial de Cristo-Rei no Porto, dia 31 de Janeiro, às 16:30 horas,
por ocasião do 37º aniversário da paróquia. O piano disponibilizado para o concerto é uma peça rara, um
Steinway “Model A”, de 1898, original, em excelente estado de conservação.

Ambas professoras de piano no Conservatório de Música do Porto, as pianistas tiveram origem, formação e percursos diversos até se encontrarem neste duo a 4 mãos, tendo já actuado em diversos locais, nomeadamente na escola onde ensinam.

Dina Resende iniciou estudos de piano aos 8 anos, tendo sido discípula de Maria Manuela Araújo e de Marie Levêque de Freitas Branco até ao falecimento de ambas. Em 1985 instala-se em Paris para prosseguir estudos com o actual mestre Jean Fassina, tendo aí concluído estudos superiores de piano na École Normale de Musique de Paris Alfred Cortôt, na classe de Marian Rybicki.

(dados biográficos um pouco mais extensos - no fim deste artigo)

Rosgard Lingardsson, dinamarquesa, estudou com Gunnar Hallhagen, mais tarde, na Florida, com Harold Sanford – discípulo de Joseph Lhevinne e, sob a orientação do aclamado pianista e professor Stanislav Knor, concluiu com distinção os seus estudos superiores em “Piano Performance”(1986) e “Pedagogia de Piano e Música de Câmara”(1988) na Royal Danish Academy of Music, em Copenhaga.

(dados biográficos um pouco mais extensos - no fim deste artigo)

Mozart, W. A. -: Sonata em Ré M. K381
Schubert, F. – Fantasia em Fá m. D940
Barber, S. – Souvenirs Op. 28, V. Hesitation Tango
Piazolla, A. – Libertango
Dvořák, A. – Dança Eslovaca Op. 72 No. 2
Brahms, J.
– Dança Húngara No. 1
– Dança Húngara No. 17
– Dança Húngara No. 4
– Dança Húngara No. 6


(EN) - Dina Resende and Rosgard Lingardsson shall give a recital for *one piano - four hands*
on a rare piano - an
1898 original Steinway "Model A", in mint condition.

The recital shall be held at the
Cristo-Rei Parish Centre Auditorium at 4:30pm, this coming Sunday (January 31st)
for the occasion of the parish's 37th anniversary.

Both, with their own personal and diverse musical background ("story" if you will), teach piano at the Oporto Conservatory of Music. It is from here that this performance duo, that has already given recitals in a variety of places, on various occasions, was born.


Dina Resende, a disciple of  Maria Manuela Araújo and of Marie Lavêque de Freitas Branco (until the departing of both piano masters) began her piano studies at the age of 8.  
In 1985 she took residence in Paris so as to also be mentored and continue her studies under another piano master  - Jean Fassina. It was  there that she completed her  "Extensive / Higher" piano studies  at the École Normale de Musique de Paris - Alfred Cortôt (class of Professor Mariam Rybicki

(you will find more regarding  D. Resende at the bottom of this post)

Rosgard Lingardsson , born in Denmark, studied under Professor Gunnar  Hallhagen,  and later  under Harold Sanford (disciple of piano master - Joseph Lhevinne) in Florida.
Under the guidance of the acclaimed pianist / piano teacher - Professor Stanislav Knor, she concluded with high distinction her "Extensive / Higher" music studies :
Piano Performance (1986) ,  Piano Teaching, and Chamber Music
at the Royal Danish Academy of Music
in Copenhagen.

(you will find more regarding  R. Lindardsson at the bottom of this post)


Dina Resende – notas biográficas

Dina Resende iniciou estudos de piano aos 8 anos, tendo sido discípula de Maria Manuela Araújo e de Marie Levêque de Freitas Branco até ao falecimento de ambas. Em 1985 instala-se em Paris com o propósito de prosseguir estudos com o pedagogo Jean Fassina, onde permaneceu durante 12 anos, assumindo-se como sua discípula. Entretanto, conclui estudos superiores de piano na École Normale de Musique de Paris Alfred Cortôt, na classe de Marian Rybicki.

Participou em diversos seminários internacionais e frequentou "master classes", nomeadamente no “Centre Acanthes" e, em Szombathely, na Hungria, o “Seminário Bartok”, com Zoltán Kocsis, François-René Duchâble e Paul Schillawski, entre outros.

Dina Resende apresentou-se em concertos em Portugal, França, Alemanha, Itália, Suíça e Espanha.

Foi professora em vários Conservatórios de Música da região de Paris, nomeadamente no de “César Franck”, em Senlis, onde foi delegada do departamento de teclas durante 7 anos. De regresso a Portugal, leccionou no Conservatório Regional do Baixo Alentejo, onde foi directora pedagógica durante 5 anos. Actualmente é professora de piano no Conservatório de Música do Porto.

Dina Resende foi fundadora e membro da direcção da “A Tempo”, associação sem fins lucrativos com a missão de divulgar obras de compositores vivos, com sede em Paris, cujo presidente foi, até há pouco tempo, Pierre Boulez.

Rosgard Lingardsson - notas biográficas

Pianista dinamarquesa, Rosgard Lingardsson iniciou os seus estudos com o Professor Gunnar Hallhagen. Mais tarde, na Flórida (EUA) estudou com Harold Sanford – discípulo de Joseph Lhevinne. Sob a orientação do aclamado Pianista e Professor Stanislav Knor, concluiu com distinção os seus estudos superiores em Piano Performance (1986) e Pedagogia de Piano e Música de Câmara (1988) na Royal Danish Academy of Music, em Copenhaga. Ganhou vários primeiros prémios em concursos, entre os quais, o ‘Den Kungliga Musikaliska Akademis Utlands Stipendium’ (1983), então dos mais importantes da Escandinávia, bem como inúmeras bolsas para estudar nos EUA, na Suécia e na Dinamarca.
Vive em Portugal desde 1992 e é docente de Piano no Conservatório de Música do Porto desde 1999. Os seus alunos são, regularmente premiados em concursos nacionais e internacionais. Frequentemente é convidada a integrar membro de júri em concursos nacionais e internacionais de piano.
Tem actuado em concertos e festivais na Suécia, Dinamarca, Áustria, Portugal, Grécia e Gré Bretanha, Estados Unidos. Em Portugal tocou em salas de renome como no Teatro Ibérico e Palácio de Foz, Lisboa e recentemente actuou no Ciclo de Piano na Fundação Eng.º António Almeida, Porto. No verão 2015, actuou na Casa da Música – Porto, num concerto comemorativo dos 150 anos do aclamado compositor dinamarquês Carl Nielsen.



 Further Links:

Monday, 11 January 2016

Reflections -

When I heard of Paul Bley going I stopped for a moment, reread the news and cried (had to be sure it wasn't some hoax - in bad taste). Moments after, a phone call, and  Pierre Boulez...

I thought to myself, no..
No, no way..


Within a few days, David Bowie -
...........(As I thought to myself, before hearing of Bowie, - no way am I opening this year (in this blog) with news of such socially, and artistically moving icons passing.. Grabbing onto a beloved painter - turning 90, I rejoiced and wrote, for the year at least in terms of this master - is gracious enough to let us rejoice, but, within hours came the news of one with whom I passed from youth into adulthood, symbolic - beyond music (as an icon of my emancipating teen years, even though I loved those of my brothers and sister: Otis, Procol, Deep Purple, Beatles and so forth, but Bowie - though not far from their age (not that age mattered, or our perception of their age was acurate, and regardless hitting me more deep inside ones or the others, while listening) ,
was what I felt more inline with mine
 - I felt I gave him to my brothers and sister - as they had given me those mentioned, and as beloved mentors and loved ones gave me Boulez, Beirach, Stockhausen, Berberian, Gismonti, Holland, Jarrett, Rivers, Coltrane, DeJohnette, Swallow, Jessye Norman, Cohen, Hendrix... (some to such an extent one is unsure whom is given to us, and whom we give to others)
(some of those mentioned, thank God - still here, others not)
(some of the musical treasures - eventually turning out to be those mentors themselves, dear friends and/or loved ones - Capdeville, Peixinho, and ♥ C. Azevedo, among others)

and we all gave each other, with great love and happiness many, those mentioned - and others.)

..But Bowie, .............with his aura of his own unique self, sometimes touching on Dali (where oneself is a work of art), and more "Pop" icon than Warhol - to me, because he went beyond that..,
 and so tied to my teens, when although not wanting to use "labels" and "groups" to tie myself down to any categorized peg (so to speak) - I felt reflected parts of me as I went through life's stage of emancipation, sometimes baring a few strands of coloured hair flowing within my natural tones, pins and safety-pins on my teenager purse, as I listened to him, to Miles and to Evans, to Bach and to Chopin, to Gabriel, to Lauper, to Purcell, to Zappa and Joni...., among so many others, and the ones mentioned above; and
 not long afterward - having watched his Mr. Lawrence -

- was special in a different sense, in an almost Dali-like sense, where one is a work of art, a constant, mutating, work of art.

I will miss him, and what he would still give us.

So I bid a goodnight, hoping the year - despite such a start, its conflicts and strange treaties,
brings us, with Arts -
(all of them that is, as they do save and deliver us, as many of us find - I leave a LINK, regarding such matters -  circa 5'20'' into Ian McKellen's interview, for instance),
- and with Human kindness, an unspoiled world that does not hurt the soul to see.

Thank you for reading this blog.
I was, in these past days, with all of this in mind, attempting a translation, and if somehow it is completed shall post it.
It is not a lengthy thing to translate, but so....... ah, can't even begin to say what it is to make such an endeavour - for it is Pessoa.


Major Tom - 2016

- not just a Major Tom, or Mr. Lawrence, or a Ziggy,
                                  he was

                                                                   a David.

- our David.

Sunday, 10 January 2016

Júlio Pomar - 90

Júlio Pomar - oil on canvas, 1963

O nosso grande - Júlio Pomar celebra 90 voltas em torno do nosso sol. 
Este, é um belo dia. 

Chantilly I :  oil on canvas,
71cm x 100cm,
Júlio Pomar, 1965

( Happy Júlio Pomar Day )