Algumas Coisas
A morte e a vida morrem
e sob a sua eternidade fica
só a memória do esquecimento de tudo;
também o silêncio de aquele que fala se calará.
Quem fala de estas
coisas e de falar de elas
foge para o puro esquecimento
fora da cabeça e de si.
O que existe falta
sob a eternidade;
saber é esquecer, e
esta é a sabedoria e o esquecimento.
(poema: Manuel António Pina,- "Aquele que Quer Morrer")
Hapi's sibling - iseetheriverbeforeme - Flowing in Prayer form
a greyish blue matter flows
blinded by its own margins innocent
not worrying whence it came from nor where it goes
it's in no hurry
perhaps fully aware that it's truly another form of itself
in a state of fluidity
fruition of a love well spent
upon a weak body
An apparent amorphic compound -
It is,
in all its forms and frailties
a pure form of its multitudinous self.
An apparent amorphic compound -
It is,
in all its forms and frailties
a pure form of its multitudinous self.
(poem: Maria MFA Costa - aka: Guida Almeida)
(this post is scheduled to become published today - Friday, April 12th - 1 pm / local time)
Wishing all a nice weekend
Wishing all a nice weekend