Wednesday, 21 October 2009

José Saramago

an interview after publishing - Caim
(Eng. 'Cain')

Thursday, 15 October 2009

Sounds of Silence - John Cage (video)

Cage citando Samuel Kant - 'Music and Laughter don't have to mean anything'

Thursday, 1 October 2009

Concerto / Concert (jam fest): Longitude Zero with guests - Saturday, Oct 3rd


Celebrating the birthdays of two of the ensemble's regular musicians - the ensemble will host a free venue: with special guests and an open jam session for whomsoever wishes to come join on stage.

Hope you enjoy the evening

Saturday - October 3rd (beginning at 22h)
Fábrica Braço de Prata / Nietzsche Hall

(evento/event)- Link


Em celebração do aniversário de 2 dos músicos do conjunto, haverá entrada livre
- Festa/Concerto - com convidados especiais e "jam session" aberto a todos os músicos que queiram se juntar no palco.

- começará pelas 22h

Espera-se uma noite especial, com muita música e convívio entre amigos