Thursday 16 April 2015

Eduardo and a Voice - for a day in April / Eduardo Galeano, neste Dia Mundial da Voz

I took me a while to place something regarding the passing of Eduardo Galeano.  I heard of it on the same day and shortly after hearing the news regarding Günter Grass.

That which I have read by him, his interviews and views always touched me deeply as it has others.
There are voices in the world that should always remain with us, for their clarity of thought and humanity.

So I leave you with two video clips
with two very special voices, his,
and one of whom is still thankfully with us - Sir Willard White (with his beautiful voice).


- Duas vozes especiais no Dia Mundial da Voz.


1. Eduardo Galeano 
«entrevistando al guerrillero César Montes 
en la selva guatemalteca, 
a fines de los sesenta» 
(public domain picture in wikipedia)

2. Eduardo Galeano - found in the Huffington Post 


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