Sunday 1 February 2015

Sophocles seems to bring us a new Play - thank you / Sófocles - voltou e traz consigo uma nova peça

Há alturas em que não se pode cruzar os braços, não se pode ficar à espera, não se pode ficar indiferente.   Já nem é (e por mim, há muito que já nem é) uma questão de "esquerda / direita", é uma questão de humanismo, de livre arbítrio, e de dignidade, neste caso humano (de todos, todos mesmo sem excepção quanto a mim).   Há que agradecer, nem que seja por uns dias enquanto se faz marcha atrás para se estar menos "discrente".  

Thank you Yannis, and at least for the present moment, I also thank the rest of your collegues.  I wish you strength, stamina, courage and that the hard road ahead of you not hurt you in any way.
Thank you.


I shall also leave a LINK with an article written elsewhere in the early morning of January 27, 2015 - Guida Almeida     -  for whomsoever may wish to take a peak.


The two version of Pitocrito, 200-180 a.C. Yves Klein, 1962 


- and finally, posted some years ago here in this blog:

Resonance - Liberation

I have walked the walk of millions,
of those who had fallen, of others who had not. 
I've walked the ages, 
counted each imprisoned breath born from ordinal numbers 
and wept at your feet.

These wings on my back, tattered, worn,
they hang with the dust of time,
hugging my body,
barely visible.  

 Looking back,  
Conquered, yet "Un-Conquested", 
bedded upon endless gardens, 
mysteries nearly plundered 
and unveiled... 

I weep at your feet.
Legion surrounding the lake 
as Aegle slumbering in grief, but in numbers, 
a multitude of wooded beings,
I dreamt of you.

Rivers of time try to erase,
start anew
yet within the steadfast darkness 
of my silence
I have heard your words in Morphic Resonance 

- Come hither.. the world changes. Quick, hurry.. - 
From the shores I return,
in turn
arriving at each new angle 
360 degrees
... and back
and again
and back again.

poem written by Margarida Costa 
(aka: Guida Almeida, Guida Costa, Maria MFA Costa)

(the above poem is in this article - LINK)

When the left hand is helped by the right hand I am finally taken to a place of respect I thought didn't exist.

These may be troubled times but for a momment, even if it be fleeting (I truly hope it is not), the darkened, heavy clouds that have been hovering above us seem to dissipate..

Wishing a good day to all.

Bom dia


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